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Dokladem toho, že Doubravník jsou stránky skutečně pro všechny, budou následující řádky.
Spolupráci nám totiž přislíbil PhDr. Pavel Tomášek...
který zde bude čas od času publikovat nějaké zajímavé čtení na procvičení anglického jazyka.
Zde je první část:
To the reader
Hey, read up, girls and boys!
Most boys and girls, when they start to study English seriously, go to city or must live there. We are lucky enough to have an other opportunity, although living at Doubravnik. You are lucky enough to have an computer at home and to be able to navigate on Internet. In this way you can visit this site from time to time and read always some part of our internet virtual textbook of English readings. I am intending to add one item of reading every ten days.
This set of the readings is rather like a scrapbook. I keep it to provide you with something to read and with some facts of everyday situational language. From time to time I will turn your attention to the grammatical rules too, but not too often. You will find here some pieces of conversation an adapted texts - you will preferably learn one part of the text by heart. Many of these pieces will be dedicated to the arguments connected with computers and internet.
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