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Připravte se, tentokrát pojedeme vlakem do Brna něco nakoupit a potom se vrátíme zpět k naší počítačové klávesnici...

Reading 2

Here I am again an I am very glad to find you prepared and full of life. We are about to continue in our studying of English. There is not much to be said at this moment. We will rather turn our attention to one new piece of conversation and than continue to study diligently a computer keyboard layout.

At a Railway Station

A: I've got to buy some food this morning, John. Why don't you come too ? We can get most of it in the supermarket near the railway station.

B: How do we get there ?

A: Well, we can take a train.

B: We are at the railway station, finally. What time is the train for Brno, please ?

A: 9,50.

B: Which platform does the train go from ?

A: It leaves from No. 2

B: What time does it arrive in Brno ?

A: It's due at 10.30 it may be delayed a bit today.

B: Do I have to change trains ?

A: We have just changed. Now you needn't. It's a through train.

B: What a good thing ! I waited a long time for the connection last time I traveled. Is here a snack bar on this platform ?

A: No, here at this town, there isn't. But in Brno you will find one. You must go just a little further along the platform.

B: I wonder if I can have a good cup of coffee there and than we'll go to see a supermarket a to make our shopping..

About Computer Keyboard 2

Computer's Keyboard Layout and Kinds of Keys

The layout of keyboard is standardized, however to a certain degree only, and with numerous exceptions. Parts of a typical keyboard are presented in the following pictures:

The layout shown in these two sketches is that of enhanced keyboard (zdokonalená klávesnice) model.

A key of a PC keyboard may be one of the following kinds:

? alphabetic or numeric key, used to initiate a letter, a digit, or punctuation mark

? active key activating a certain operation mode, e.g. CAPS LOCK key (abbreviation for CAPitalS LOCK key), NUM LOCk key (NUMeric LOCK key), or SCROLL LOCK key

? function key, used to set, initiate or perform a specified function

? hot key, alternately called shortcut key or short cut, a key or a combination of two key, usually the CTRL key (ConTRoL key) or SHIFT key together with an alphabetic key

? control key or special key (also called non-printing key)

? dead key (also called non-escaping key) that does not cause an automatic advance to the next character position when depressed, examples are some control keys used to print accented characters (keys used in some Czech letters)

? function switch, switching over back and forth between two modes, for example CAPS LOCK key, NUM LOCK key, or SCROLL LOCK key

? key lock, a key preventing keys from being actuated

Before we make further explanation about the keyboard layout, we will turn our attention to some interesting words:

alphabetic key abecední klávesa
alphanumeric keyabecedně číslicová klávesa
control keyřídící klávesa
function key, functional keyfunkční klávesa
keyboard layoutuspořádání klávesnice
numeric key, numerical keyčíslicová klávesa
numeric pad, numerical pad blokčíslicový kláves, číslicová klávesnice
punctuation markrozdělovací znaménko, interpunkční znaménko
QWERTY layout, QWERTY keyboarduspořádání klávesnice QWERTY, klávesnice QWERTY, americká klávesnice
QWERTZ layout, QWERTZ keyboarduspořádání klávesnice QWERTZ, klávesnice QWERTZ, evropská klávesnice
space bar, spacermezerník
lockzámek, uzávěr
to lock up the doorzamknout dveře
unlockodemknout, otevřít, rozluštit, uvolnit
the cipher man unlocked the whole letteršifrař rozluštil celý dopis
deadlockmrtvý bod
to be at deadlockbýt na mrtvém bodě (v něřešitelné situaci)
to come to a deadlock, reach deadlockpřivést na mrtvý bod, uváznout na mrtvém bodě (do neřešitelné situace)

Comment to the text read:

To be about = chystati se, - vyjadřuje zamýšlenou jistou budoucnost.

As usually, you will consult the dictionary for pronunciation ad learn the words by heart. The words QUERTY and QUERTZ will be pronounced by spelling. Other explanations are this time mentioned in the above table.

. . .

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